Producir sin dinero y coercion

La “producción entre pares basada en bienes comunes” (commons-based peer production) Imaginémonos un mundo en donde la producción y la reproducción se basan en las necesidades de todos y son organizadas por personas libres que se reparten voluntariamente las actividades…

The Emergence of Benefit-driven Production

Abstract The free software and free culture movements have radically changed the ways of producing software and knowledge goods. In many cases, participation in such project is benefit-driven rather than profit-driven. Participants get involved in order to realize some practical…

The Socialism of the 21st Century

My name is Heinz Dieterich and I am originally a German citizen. I went to Mexico about 30 years ago; after I studied economics and sociology at Frankfurt with Adorno, Horkheimer and Habermas. The idea to do something about a…

El Socialismo del Siglo XXI

4. El nuevo proyecto histórico:Democracia participativa (socialismo), siglo XXI 4.1. La economía planificada de equivalências La economía de mercado (crematística) no es capaz de satisfacer adecuadamente las necessidades socioeconómicas y ecológicas de un conjunto mundial de casi siete mil millones…

Value, Markets and Socialism

ABSTRACT: The labor theory of value provides both a moral and a conceptual foundation for an equitable and efficient socialism. Given modern information technology, a system of planning can work. Markets in consumer goods are required, but not markets for…

On Democracy

Utopian social experiments are strongly associated in the public mind with brutal dictatorships and the suppression of civil liberties. Given our century’s history this is to be expected. Although there is a growing realisation in Britain of a need for…

Inclusive Democracy

THE PRESENT MULTIDIMENSIONAL CRISIS The starting point for the Inclusive Democracy project is that contemporary society, which presently takes the form of a market/growth economy and representative “democracy” everywhere, is undergoing a profound and widespread crisis. It is precisely the universal character…