Há muitas perguntas relevantes para a sobrevivência e a melhoria das condições de vida da humanidade no nosso planeta para as quais vale a pena...

Introducing the blog “A Site with a View”
There are many questions relevant to the survival and improvement of humanity’s living conditions on our planet for which it is worth looking hard for...
The beneficent principle of post-capitalist, industrial, technologically advanced and fully democratic societies, without socio-economic classes or State (a.k.a. socialist/communist/cooperative societies)
Abstract Cooperativism or socialism or communism (I am using these words interchangeably) requires, in addition to two other preconditions (one economic and one political), a...
Crise do Socialismo no Mundo
«O socialismo morreu. Falar dele é fazer a sua oração fúnebre». Esta frase, que podia ter sido publicada na Folha de São Paulo de hoje, foi escrita...
The Myth of Twentieth Century Socialism and the Continuing Relevance of Karl Marx
To-day there is a curious convergence of views between the Right and the dominant Left on the meaning of socialism. Put more concretely, for both...
O Comunismo de Marx como uma Associação de Indivíduos Livres: uma reavaliação
A ideia do comunismo desenvolvida por Marx é geralmente considerada como sendo a erradicação da propriedade privada [dos meios industriais de produção, N.T.] e a...
Democratic Planned Socialism: Feasible Economic Procedures
Introduction Over the years, many socialists have written about the undesirability or impossibility of using markets in an authentic socialist society. Well-known early advocates of...
Peer 2 Peer Production as the Alternative to Capitalism: A New Communist Horizon
The current crisis of capitalism has provoked protests, revolts and revolutions in major parts of the planet that include 3 billions of inhabitants. Even the...
Marx and Engels’ Vision of a Better Society
Abstract. Not withstanding their much noted aversion to detailing the nature of a post-capitalist society, Marx and Engels indeed have a broad vision of such...
The Boom of Commons-based Peer Production
In 1991, an undergraduate Finnish computer science student, Linus Torvalds, had a surprising idea: he began to write a new operating system on his PC....
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